jeudi 12 janvier 2017

Link Interactive HomeSecurity

100% Celluar Network

Instead of using a landline or WiFi connection, Link Interactive uses cell towers. This is the most sophisticated technology being used at the moment and provides safer security—since it's tamper-proof and won't fail due to power outages. You won't find 100% cellular use with every company, so this is definitely a perk. It also makes installation of products just as easy for both renters and owners.

Video Monitoring

Video monitoring is usually included in top tier packages for a lot more money. Link Interactive offers video monitoring for just $5 more than its base package. You can choose from exterior night vision cameras that can see up to 40 feet away, doorbell cameras, motion sensing/still photo cameras, and many more. These cameras are monitored professionally 24/7 and offer live streaming and recording functions, so you can check in on your home too.

Free Set-up, Shipping, and Support

This is a huge deal for a home security company. Many competitors charge $100 to $300 for installation, but Link Interactive doesn't. When you order a Link Interactive system, you'll only pay the monthly fee and the cost of your equipment. The packages come with some equipment, but there are a lot more options you can add to enhance your home's security.

Quadruple Temperature Sensor

Heat, water, and freezing temperatures can wreak havoc on your home. With the Disaster sensor, you can monitor for freezing pipes, smoke, heat, and flooding. If any of those are detected, your sensor will alert you immediately, so you can prevent further or impending damage.

Home Automation

Enjoy the technology of the future with Link Interactive: home automation. Whether you opt to install its light controlling modules, smart thermostats, digital deadbolts, or garage door monitors, you'll be able to enjoy a lot of high-tech functions. All of these devices communicate through the app on your smart device to allow you to control them or check in from anywhere.

DIY Security Equipment

You can choose the Gold or Platinum security packages, or the DIY options. These allow you to completely tailor your home security system to your needs. Maybe you'll want to add multiple indoor and outdoor cameras to your home. Perhaps home automation is more of a priority. Whatever it is, you can find a variety of products from Link Interactive.

Bottom Line

You'll be hard pressed to find another home security company that offers so much for so little. Add on the fact that Link Interactive doesn't charge for shipping, set-up, and support, and it's be that much more difficult. If you're looking for a customizable home security system for a great price, Link Interactive can provide that for you.

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